La Crangreja National Park
La Cangreja National Park is located in the province of San José, canton of Puriscal, neighborhoods Mercedes Sur and Chires, between the coordinates: N 4956392 OR 1072932. The main entrance is located 35 kilometers southeast of the city of Santiago de Puriscal.
La Cangreja, refers to the characteristic shape of the Cerro that is located at its highest point at 1305 m, a place of scenic beauty that, according to an indigenous story, would have mountains in the shape of a crab and the hills on its sides of pincers. The park protects abundant and crystalline water sources such as Rio Negro and Quebrada Grande, which, due to its rock formations sculpted by nature, allow the visitor to enjoy and relax by bathing or simply contemplating them.
The current territory of the park is 2,570 hectares, in which there are 44 species of plants endemic to Costa Rica, standing out for two endemic species of the area: Ayenia mastatalensis (Sterculiaceae) and Plinia puriscalensis (Myrtaceae), the latter produces fruits on the trunk of the tree that can be seen in August.
The park has more than 300 species of birds, such as barnacles, trogons, toucans, sunbirds, turkeys and others. Also stand out animals such as guatusas, pizotes, tepezcuintles, deer, pumas, manigordos, black poisonous frogs, among others.
It has a maximum elevation of 1305m and a minimum of 300m, reaching temperatures between 24 ºC and 40 ºC. Its average annual rainfall ranges from 2400 to 3500 mm. The park has a low visitation, the most visited months are from January to April.
Every day from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
• Adults $10
• Children $5