Costa Rica Plastic Free

Costa Rica has announced a directive to ban single-use plastic by 2021.
The strategy is to replace these plastics with renewable, petroleum-free, and marine compostable materials, meaning that the material should biodegrade within a maximum of 6 months, even in a marine environment.
The strategy promotes municipal action and the creation of institutional policies and guidelines to replace plastic consumption with renewable and compostable energy alternatives.
"Although we have built a guideline with all stakeholders in the national recycling strategy that aims to change behaviors in the population, we also have the responsibility to reduce the amount of waste we generate." "Of the 4 thousand tons per day of waste produced in the country, 11% is plastic, I think we can reduce that," said Maria Ester Rose, Deputy Minister of Health.
"We need social, economic and governmental actors to commit to ensuring that we create measures to replace plastic through five strategic actions: municipal incentives, policies and guidelines for the public, replacement of disposable plastics, research and development and investment in productive projects. We invite all institutions and individuals to convert Costa Rica into a plastic-free zone," Sasa said.
It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish, so the strategy is through collective and voluntary action to promote and demand the replacement of disposable plastic.
My project is to collect 1€ per person to be able to buy and distribute reusable plastics in each Supermarket in my region to offer to their customers. If you want to participate, do not hesitate to share on Facebook and help by making a Donation below.